home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- set -e
- . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
- #set -x
- if [ -z "$1" ]; then
- PROGRESSBAR=hw-detect/detect_progress_step
- else
- fi
- "
- SUBARCH="$(archdetect)"
- finish_install=/usr/lib/finish-install.d/30hw-detect
- if db_get hw-detect/load-ide && [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- fi
- # Check for virtio devices
- if [ -d /sys/bus/pci/devices ] && \
- grep -q 0x1af4 /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/vendor 2>/dev/null && \
- ! grep -q ^virtio_ /proc/modules; then
- anna-install virtio-modules || true
- fi
- if [ -x /sbin/depmod ]; then
- depmod -a > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
- fi
- log () {
- logger -t hw-detect "$@"
- }
- is_not_loaded() {
- ! ((cut -d" " -f1 /proc/modules | grep -q "^$1\$") || \
- (cut -d" " -f1 /proc/modules | sed -e 's/_/-/g' | grep -q "^$1\$"))
- }
- is_available () {
- [ "$(modprobe -l $1)" ] || return 1
- }
- # Module as first parameter, description of device the second.
- missing_module () {
- if ! in_list "$1" "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST"; then
- if [ -n "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST" ]; then
- fi
- fi
- }
- # The list can be delimited with spaces or spaces and commas.
- in_list() {
- echo "$2" | grep -q "\(^\| \)$1\(,\| \|$\)"
- }
- snapshot_devs() {
- echo -n `grep : /proc/net/dev | cut -d':' -f1`
- }
- compare_devs() {
- local olddevs="$1"
- local devs="$2"
- local dev newdevs
- newdevs=
- for dev in $devs; do
- if ! echo " $olddevs " | grep -q " $dev "; then
- newdevs="${newdevs:+$newdevs }$dev"
- fi
- done
- echo "$newdevs"
- }
- load_module() {
- local module="$1"
- local cardname="$2"
- local devs=""
- local olddevs=""
- local newdev=""
- old=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/printk`
- echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
- devs="$(snapshot_devs)"
- if log-output -t hw-detect modprobe -v "$module"; then
- olddevs="$devs"
- devs="$(snapshot_devs)"
- newdevs="$(compare_devs "$olddevs" "$devs")"
- # Make sure space is used as a delimiter.
- IFS=" "
- if [ -n "$newdevs" -a -n "$cardname" ]; then
- mkdir -p /etc/network
- for dev in $newdevs; do
- echo "${dev}:${cardname}" >> /etc/network/devnames
- done
- fi
- else
- log "Error loading '$module'"
- if [ "$module" != floppy ] && [ "$module" != ide-floppy ] && \
- [ "$module" != ide-cd ]; then
- db_subst hw-detect/modprobe_error CMD_LINE_PARAM "modprobe -v $module"
- db_input medium hw-detect/modprobe_error || [ $? -eq 30 ]
- db_go
- fi
- fi
- echo $old > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
- }
- # Some pci chipsets are needed or there can be DMA or other problems.
- get_ide_chipset_info() {
- for ide_module in $(find /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/ -type f 2>/dev/null); do
- if [ -e $ide_module ]; then
- baseidemod=$(echo $ide_module | sed 's/\.ko$//; s/.*\///')
- echo "$baseidemod:IDE chipset support"
- fi
- done
- }
- # Return list of lines formatted "module:Description"
- get_detected_hw_info() {
- if [ "${SUBARCH%%/*}" = powerpc ]; then
- discover-mac-io
- if [ "$SUBARCH" = powerpc/chrp_rs6k ] || \
- [ "$SUBARCH" = powerpc/chrp_ibm ]; then
- discover-ibm
- fi
- fi
- if [ "${SUBARCH%%/*}" = sparc ]; then
- discover-sbus
- fi
- if [ -d /proc/bus/usb ]; then
- echo "usb-storage:USB storage"
- fi
- }
- # NewWorld PowerMacs don't want floppy or ide-floppy, and on some models
- # (e.g. G5s) the kernel hangs when loading the module.
- get_floppy_info() {
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/powermac_newworld) ;;
- *) echo "floppy:Linux Floppy" ;;
- esac
- }
- get_ide_floppy_info() {
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/powermac_newworld) ;;
- *) echo "ide-floppy:Linux IDE floppy" ;;
- esac
- }
- get_rtc_info() {
- # On i386, this gets loaded by hotplug through isapnp, but that
- # doesn't work on amd64.
- case $SUBARCH in
- amd64/*) register-module rtc ;;
- esac
- }
- # Manually load modules to enable things we can't detect.
- # XXX: This isn't the best way to do this; we should autodetect.
- # The order of these modules are important.
- get_manual_hw_info() {
- if [ "$LOAD_IDE" ]; then
- get_floppy_info
- get_ide_chipset_info
- echo "ide-generic:Linux IDE support"
- get_ide_floppy_info
- echo "ide-disk:Linux ATA DISK"
- echo "ide-cd:Linux ATAPI CD-ROM"
- fi
- get_rtc_info
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/ps3)
- echo "ps3rom:PS3 internal CD-ROM drive"
- echo "ps3disk:PS3 internal disk drive"
- echo "ps3_gelic:PS3 Gigabit Ethernet"
- register-module snd_ps3
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # Based on syslog from #486298
- megaraid_complete() {
- dmesg | grep -Eq "megaraid mbox: (Wait for 0 commands to complete|reset sequence completed sucessfully)"
- }
- wait_megaraid_complete() {
- local wait=300
- if megaraid_complete; then
- return 0
- fi
- sleep 10 # Early initialization phase
- if dmesg | grep -q "megaraid mbox: Wait for [0-9]*[1-9] commands to complete"; then
- log "Megaraid initialization: waiting for reset to complete"
- while [ $wait -gt 0 ]; do
- sleep 1
- if megaraid_complete; then
- log "Megaraid initialization: reset complete"
- sleep 1
- break
- fi
- wait=$(($wait - 1))
- done
- if [ $wait -eq 0 ]; then
- log "Megaraid initialization: failed to complete reset!"
- fi
- fi
- }
- # Should be greater than the number of kernel modules we can reasonably
- # expect it will ever need to load.
- MAX_STEPS=1000
- # Use 1/10th of the progress bar for the non-module-load steps.
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/detect_progress_step
- # TODO: Can possibly be removed if udev will load yenta_socket automatically
- # Load yenta_socket, if hardware is available, for Cardbus cards.
- if [ -d /sys/bus/pci/devices ] && \
- grep -q 0x060700 /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/class 2>/dev/null && \
- ! grep -q ^yenta_socket /proc/modules; then
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step CARDNAME "Cardbus bridge"
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step MODULE "yenta_socket"
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/load_progress_step
- log "Detected Cardbus bridge, loading yenta_socket"
- load_module yenta_socket
- # Ugly hack, but what's the alternative?
- sleep 3 || true
- fi
- # If using real hotplug, re-run the rc scripts to pick up new modules.
- # TODO: this just loads modules itself, rather than handing back a list
- # Since we've just run depmod, new modules might be available, so we
- # must trigger as well as settle.
- update-dev
- ALL_HW_INFO=$(get_detected_hw_info; get_manual_hw_info)
- db_progress STEP $OTHER_STEPSIZE
- # Remove modules that are already loaded or not available, and construct
- # the list for the question.
- LIST=""
- AVAIL_MODULES="$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ | sed 's!.*/!!' | cut -d . -f 1)"
- LOADED_MODULES="$(cut -d " " -f 1 /proc/modules) $(cut -d " " -f 1 /proc/modules | sed -e 's/_/-/g')"
- for device in $ALL_HW_INFO; do
- module="${device%%:*}"
- cardname="${device##*:}"
- if [ "$module" != "ignore" -a "$module" != "" ] &&
- ! in_list "$module" "$LOADED_MODULES" &&
- ! in_list "$module" "$PROCESSED"
- then
- if [ -z "$cardname" ]; then
- cardname="[Unknown]"
- fi
- if in_list "$module" "$AVAIL_MODULES"; then
- LIST="${LIST:+$LIST, }$module ($(echo "$cardname" | sed 's/,/ /g'))"
- else
- missing_module "$module" "$cardname"
- fi
- fi
- done
- db_progress STEP $OTHER_STEPSIZE
- if [ "$LIST" ]; then
- # Ask which modules to install.
- db_subst hw-detect/select_modules list "$LIST"
- db_set hw-detect/select_modules "$LIST"
- db_input medium hw-detect/select_modules || true
- db_go || exit 10 # back up
- db_get hw-detect/select_modules
- fi
- list_to_lines() {
- echo "$LIST" | sed 's/, /\n/g'
- }
- # Work out amount to step per module load. expr rounds down, so
- # it may not get quite to 100%, but will at least never exceed it.
- if [ "$LIST" ]; then
- MODULE_STEPSIZE=$(expr $MODULE_STEPS / $(list_to_lines | wc -l))
- fi
- for device in $(list_to_lines); do
- module="${device%% *}"
- cardname="`echo $device | cut -d'(' -f2 | sed 's/)$//'`"
- # Restore IFS after extracting the fields.
- if [ -z "$module" ] ; then module="[Unknown]" ; fi
- if [ -z "$cardname" ] ; then cardname="[Unknown]" ; fi
- log "Detected module '$module' for '$cardname'"
- if is_not_loaded "$module"; then
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step CARDNAME "$cardname"
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step MODULE "$module"
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/load_progress_step
- if [ "$cardname" = "[Unknown]" ]; then
- load_module "$module"
- else
- load_module "$module" "$cardname"
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "$LIST" ]; then
- db_progress STEP $MODULE_STEPS
- fi
- # Load ide-generic and check if that results in new block devices.
- # If so, make sure it is added to the initrd for the installed system.
- # Note: this may need to be done for more systems than just systems
- # that have an ISA bus, but that seems like a good start; it could also
- # be done unconditionally.
- if [ -z "$LOAD_IDE" ] && is_not_loaded ide-generic && \
- [ -e /sys/bus/isa ] && is_available ide-generic; then
- update-dev --settle
- blockdev_count=$(ls /sys/block | wc -w)
- log "ISA bus detected; loading module 'ide-generic'"
- load_module ide-generic
- update-dev --settle
- if [ $(ls /sys/block | wc -w) -gt $blockdev_count ]; then
- log "New devices detected after loading ide-generic"
- # This will tell initramfs-tools to load ide-generic
- kopts=
- if db_get debian-installer/add-kernel-opts && [ "$RET" ]; then
- kopts="$RET"
- fi
- if ! echo "$kopt" | grep -Eq "(^| )all_generic_ide( |$)"; then
- db_set debian-installer/add-kernel-opts \
- "${kopts:+$kopts }all_generic_ide"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if ! is_not_loaded ohci1394 || ! is_not_loaded firewire-ohci; then
- # if firewire was found, try to enable firewire cd support
- if is_not_loaded sbp2 && is_not_loaded firewire-sbp2 && \
- is_available scsi_mod; then
- sbp2module=
- if is_available firewire-sbp2; then
- sbp2module=firewire-sbp2
- elif is_available sbp2; then
- sbp2module=sbp2
- fi
- if [ -n "$sbp2module" ]; then
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step CARDNAME "FireWire CDROM support"
- db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_step MODULE "$sbp2module"
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/load_progress_step
- load_module "$sbp2module"
- register-module "$sbp2module"
- else
- missing_module firewire-sbp2 "FireWire CDROM"
- fi
- fi
- db_progress STEP $OTHER_STEPSIZE
- fi
- # Always load the printer driver on i386 and amd64; it's hard to autodetect.
- case $SUBARCH in
- i386/*|amd64/*)
- register-module lp
- ;;
- esac
- apply_pcmcia_resource_opts() {
- local config_opts=/etc/pcmcia/config.opts
- # Idempotency
- if ! [ -f ${config_opts}.orig ]; then
- cp $config_opts ${config_opts}.orig
- fi
- cp ${config_opts}.orig $config_opts
- local mode=""
- local rmode=""
- local type=""
- local value=""
- while [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ] && [ -n "$3" ]; do
- if [ "$1" = exclude ]; then
- mode=exclude
- rmode=include
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = include ]; then
- mode=include
- rmode=exclude
- shift
- fi
- type="$1"
- shift
- value="$1"
- shift
- if grep -q "^$rmode $type $value\$" $config_opts; then
- sed "s/^$rmode $type $value\$/$mode $type $value/" \
- $config_opts >${config_opts}.new
- mv ${config_opts}.new $config_opts
- else
- echo "$mode $type $value" >>$config_opts
- fi
- done
- }
- # get pcmcia running if possible
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/pcmciautils ]; then
- PCMCIA_INIT=/etc/init.d/pcmciautils
- fi
- if [ "$PCMCIA_INIT" ]; then
- if is_not_loaded pcmcia_core; then
- db_input medium hw-detect/start_pcmcia || true
- # GTK frontend: include question about resources in dialog
- if [ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" = "gtk" ]; then
- db_input low hw-detect/pcmcia_resources || true
- fi
- db_go || true
- # Other frontends: only ask about resources if PCMCIA was selected
- if [ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" != "gtk" ]; then
- db_get hw-detect/start_pcmcia || true
- if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- db_input low hw-detect/pcmcia_resources || true
- db_go || true
- fi
- fi
- if db_get hw-detect/pcmcia_resources && [ "$RET" ]; then
- apply_pcmcia_resource_opts $RET
- fi
- fi
- if db_get hw-detect/start_pcmcia && [ "$RET" = true ]; then
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/pcmcia_step
- $PCMCIA_INIT start 2>&1 | log
- db_progress STEP $OTHER_STEPSIZE
- fi
- fi
- have_pcmcia=0
- if ls /sys/class/pcmcia_socket/* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if db_get hw-detect/start_pcmcia && [ "$RET" = false ]; then
- have_pcmcia=0
- else
- have_pcmcia=1
- fi
- fi
- # find Cardbus network cards
- cardbus_check_netdev()
- {
- local socket="$1"
- local netdev="$2"
- if [ -L $netdev/device ] && \
- [ -d $socket/device/$(basename $(readlink $netdev/device)) ]; then
- echo $(basename $netdev) >> /etc/network/devhotplug
- fi
- }
- if ls /sys/class/pcmcia_socket/* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- for socket in /sys/class/pcmcia_socket/*; do
- for netdev in /sys/class/net/*; do
- cardbus_check_netdev $socket $netdev
- done
- done
- fi
- # Try to do this only once..
- if [ "$have_pcmcia" -eq 1 ] && \
- ! grep -q pcmciautils /var/lib/apt-install/queue 2>/dev/null; then
- log "Detected PCMCIA, installing pcmciautils."
- apt-install pcmciautils || true
- if db_get hw-detect/pcmcia_resources && [ -n "$RET" ]; then
- echo "mkdir /target/etc/pcmcia 2>/dev/null || true" \
- >>$finish_install
- echo "cp /etc/pcmcia/config.opts /target/etc/pcmcia/config.opts" \
- >>$finish_install
- fi
- fi
- # Install udev into target
- apt-install udev || true
- # Install usbutils
- if [ -d /sys/bus/usb ]; then
- apt-install usbutils || true
- fi
- # If hardware has support for pmu, install pbbuttonsd
- if [ -d /sys/class/misc/pmu/ ]; then
- apt-install pbbuttonsd || true
- fi
- # Install eject?
- if [ -n "$(list-devices cd; list-devices maybe-usb-floppy)" ]; then
- apt-install eject || true
- fi
- # Install optimised libc based on CPU type
- case "$(udpkg --print-architecture)" in
- armel)
- if grep -q '^Features.* vfp\>' /proc/cpuinfo; then
- apt-install libc6-vfp || true
- fi
- ;;
- i386)
- case "$(grep '^cpu family' /proc/cpuinfo | head -n1 | cut -d: -f2)" in
- " 6"|" 15")
- # intel 686 or Amd k6.
- apt-install libc6-i686 || true
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- sparc)
- if grep -q '^type.*: sun4u' /proc/cpuinfo ; then
- # sparc v9 or v9b
- if grep -q '^cpu.*: .*UltraSparc III' /proc/cpuinfo; then
- apt-install libc6-sparcv9b || true
- else
- apt-install libc6-sparcv9 || true
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # Install PS3 utilities
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/ps3)
- apt-install ps3pf-utils || true
- ;;
- esac
- # Install Cell utilities
- case $SUBARCH in
- powerpc/ps3|powerpc/cell)
- apt-install elfspe2 || true
- ;;
- esac
- # Some hardware may need extra time to initialize:
- # megaraid_mbox hardware RAID
- if lsmod | grep -q megaraid_mbox; then
- db_progress INFO hw-detect/hardware_init_step
- wait_megaraid_complete
- # Add rootdelay boot option for target system
- if [ -z "$LOAD_IDE" ]; then
- kopts=
- if db_get debian-installer/add-kernel-opts && [ "$RET" ]; then
- kopts="$RET"
- # remove any existing rootdelay= option
- kopts="$(echo "$kopts" | sed -r "s/(^| )rootdelay=[^ ]*//")"
- fi
- db_set debian-installer/add-kernel-opts \
- "${kopts:+$kopts }rootdelay=10"
- fi
- fi
- db_progress STEP $OTHER_STEPSIZE
- db_progress SET $MAX_STEPS
- db_progress STOP
- if [ -n "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST" ]; then
- log "Missing modules '$MISSING_MODULES_LIST"
- fi
- check-missing-firmware
- sysfs-update-devnames
- # Let userspace /dev tools rescan the devices
- update-dev --settle
- exit 0